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apostle Dr. Benjamin R. Moore - Food for Thought

Food For Thought --- 20MAY24

 ABBA IS EXALTED, satan IS DEFEATED and JESUS/YESHUA IS L-RD Of L-RDS and He is coming back again!  (Pastor Charles Capps)

Greeting Men of Abba:

 The Food For Thought – It’s A Family Affair: “The 4-O’s of Leadership!

 Greetings my brothers IN THE NAME OF OUR L-RD and Savior Yeshua/Jesus the Christ! May my Father, Abba, bless and keep each of you and your families this day from all hurt, harm, and dangers. Put on the Whole Armor of Abba (Eph. 6) each and every day so we can STAND in LOVE, TRUTH, FORGIVENESS, FAITH, Wealth/HEALTH, MERCY and HIS GRACE now and forever!

This month’s Food For Thought teaching is coming from Bishop Byrd III. Bishop is a member of The Mishpochah Apostolic Training Center in Lithonia, GA where Chief Apostle YaQar is Lead Pastor. I have known this brother a little over twenty-five years and he is maturing in the lord daily. Let us come tomorrow night; I believe that we all will be blessed from what he has to share with us. I still thank the L_rd that we are continuously growing and maturing in the WORD, Scripture, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding of our L-rd and Savior  Jesus/Yeshua the Christ. The question still is: Am I my brother keeper? And the response is unequivocally—YES, YES, and YES, We Are! Please join us Monday Night on the conference line at 8p (EST), at 7p (CST) and 5p (PST) for a GREAT discussion on The 4-O’s of Leadership!.  Please call 770-939-2460 to request the confernece line number. 

                                                                                                             The 4-O’s of Leadership

Too many people are not thriving in life. They are barely surviving and are unable to finish what they start. I remember what my professor said during my freshman year in college: "Look to your left and to your right, only one of you will be here in four years." Thinking it was only a scary tactic, I realized the truth in what he said when my two freshman roommates didn't make it to their second semester because of poor decisions! The same is true about life; too many people are not living well and not ending well. Personally, I have seen too many great, talented leaders crash and burn because of lack of wisdom and poor decision making.

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous G-D, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking."  (James 1:5)

Every day, we experience 4 O's when we face decisions as leaders: Opportunity, Opposition, Obedience, and Outcome. When we truly understand these 4 O's, we can lead courageously despite the circumstances.

  1. Where do Opportunities come from?

       Yes, G-D has gifted us as leaders with great abilities and strengths, and we have even  worked to get opportunities. However, it is important for us to realize that G-D orchestrates and provides all opportunities. All opportunities come from Him alone. He will use us, but opportunities are G-D's part, not ours. Once we accept this truth, pressure and stress is replaced with peace and patience.

      Colossians 4:5 = Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

      Hebrews 4:6 = It still remains that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience. Now G-D offers us the opportunity to enter His ultimate place of rest, He invites us to come to Christ. To enter His rest, you must believe that G-D has this relationship in mind for you; you must trust in Christ for it; and you must determine to obey Him.

 2. Opposition will always come!

       Every opportunity will be followed with opposition. We have three main enemies that give us opposition: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Each one has a goal to prevent us from succeeding. Paul seems to see it that way and even expects it. In 1 Corinthians 16:8-9, Paul writes, "But I stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for  effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me."

      Oftentimes, we equate the moving of G-D with blessing, easy road and clear sailing.  When things don't go well, we question ourselves and G-D Did I make a mistake? Did I hear G-D correctly. Did I take the wrong opportunity? But clear sailing is not the kind of open door we often experience, is it? Walking in step with Holy Spirit is often just the opposite! With every opportunity, opposition will come!

 3. Obedience is simply saying, "Yes G-D!"

      When the going gets tough, the tough starts obeying! In Joshua 1:9 we read, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. For  the LORD your G-D will be with you wherever you go."   Sometimes we shy away from an open door of opportunity because we can see the  opposition. Could G-D be leading you into an opportunity that requires courage? Or an opportunity that requires obedience that confounds common sense? That sounds like a G-D-sized opportunity to me! Instead of leaning away, we need to lean in-that's  when obedience kicks in.

                  G-D is not looking for nibblers of the possible but the grabbers of the impossible.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     C. T. Studd

     We need to size the G-D-sized opportunities that require G-D-sized courage that only He can give! Courageous living requires obedience to walk with Spirit through the open doors of opportunity, even in the face of opposition. Remember, obedience is our part!

 4.   Outcomes are G-D's part, not ours!

 It is G-D of the Universe who is responsible for how things turn out. When we are obedient, we can rest in His results, In Mark 4:27-28, we read about the Parable of the Growing Seed and are reminded that while the farmer is asleep or awake, the seed sprouts and grow on its own. There is peace when we know that the LORD of the Harvest is taking care of the outcome. One of my favorite verses is Galatians 6:9: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don't give up." The harvest is coming! 

Are we expecting G-D to open doors of Opportunities? Let's not shrink back when the Opposition comes! Let's be courageous and walk in courageous Obedience - step for step with Holy Spirit. Then we can trust the LORD for the Outcomes.

1. How do you view opportunities? Do you agree they all come from G-D?

2. What opposition do you face as a Leader?

3. What is the source of your courage? Why is courage necessary for obedience?

4. As a competitor, is it hard to recognize that G-D takes care of all the outcomes? Why or why  not?

Psalm 19:8

Proverbs 13:20

Proverbs 3:5-6


Holy Spirit and I will continue to ask you to present a teaching or a subject to TGOM for 2024 for the purpose of sharing on a more personal and spiritual dimension.  Your Subject -- depends on your heart and Holy SpiritWhat’s On Your Heart?  What’s On Your Mind?  Love, marriage, discipline of children, RESPECT, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), finances, business issues, ethnic issues or concerns, other health concerns, HIV, AIDS or other STDs, covid, Health Disparities, From Negro to Hebrew, Spiritual WarfareKINGDOM LIVING, LIVING “KINGDOM” SINGLE, Having the MIND of Christ Jesus/Yeshua, etc.??? Send me a subject of your concern, then call or text me to let me know that you sent it to me. I just need a Little Help my brothers (smile), Thanks…..

How about reading and bringing a few scriptures, thoughts, and concerns to the conference call line with you each 3rd Monday night so we can explore the WORD together. Let us continue to grow and mature daily in the knowledge, wisdom, and understand the “WORD”, our L-rd and Savior Jesus the Christ (Yeshua being His Hebrew Name) left for us to follow. Praise Abba, our Father!

Please join us on the conference line for TGOM Monthly Teachings. Call in from wherever you are and participate in our meetings. Please call 770-939-2460 to request the conference line number.  That blog is coming for those of us who wants to chat a little longer on the subject of the month - can. Hallelujah and thank You L-rd! Please read, digest, think, implement, and change wherever and whatever you need to make a change in your life!  Change most often is difficult but is Worth the Reward in Christ Jesus (Yeshua)!  Have you ever considered that a Change in your Attitude and Presentation COULD just Change the Attitude and Presentation in someone who is watching you unaware! (Oh, my Abba-Glory Hallelujah) Am I my brother’s Keeper?  Of course, you are! Let me say here that I thank the L-rd for each of you who have volunteered these past years to write, spearhead, lead or direct a Monday night’s teaching.  Also, to those who just dialed in for the fellowship and dialogue. Thanks, and much love to each of you. Guess what? I love you and there is nothing You can do about it! Shalom!!!!!

The Vision of the Gathering of Men is to assemble Men of diverse culture and socioeconomic backgrounds to come and fellowship together, learn of Jesus the Christ (Yeshua the Christ), of our relationship to Him, of our relationship to our family, and of our relationship to one another.

TGOM teachings will be coming to us from around the world!  Please join us on the conference call line each 3rd Monday night of the month at 8p (EST), at 7p (CST) and 5p (PST). Remember to call 770-939-2460 to request the conference call number.  I hope to hear you Monday night on the conference call line.

Everyone take care and stay healthy, safe and Blessed!!!!! I am still keep hearing about Covid, and its derivatives are still in the atmosphere and in some people. Read as much information as you can and DO/Follow! For additional information on TGOM, please call 770.710.7634 or 770.939.2460.  

(Note): Alpha and Omega HIV/AIDS Foundation and Health Initiatives International, Inc. (AOAF) is a 501©3 Non-Profit organization. All contributions/donations/gifts are tax deductible.  AOAF is located at PO Box 993, Tucker, GA 30085. Thanks for caring and sharing… (Make all checks payable to: AOAF)



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P. O. Box 993

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Phone: (770) 939-2460