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Tuesday, May 01 2012

1 Peter 1

My Bible gives a brief introduction of 1 Peter, and says that Peter, the writer of this book, around A. D. 63 or 64 is encouraging readers to remain holy, love one another, continue to seek G_D's Word, and to remember who they are in Christ.

Being a minister or even a believer in Christ, it is important for us to remember who we are in Christ, so that we may not be influenced by mundane/worldly occurrences. It also says that Peter gives instructions on proper "Christian" conduct in relation to unbelievers, governments, employers, and family. This is also something very important for us as believers in Christ to know and understand, so that we are able to respond righteously in all we do and say.

V 3-4

In the greetings of the letter, Peter informs us that we have been given a new birth (been renewed by salvation) through the resurrection of Yeshua the Christ, our Messiah; and that with this we are given an inheritance, reserved for us in heaven.

V 13-25

These verses speak on how we are to live, speak, and act holy, putting aside the old ways of foolishness and corruptness, that was once a part of our lives; but because Christ is the Holy One, we also should be as Christ, Holy! These verses also speak on how Yeshua gave His blood, as a lamb without blemish, as the sacrifice that surpasses all that came before, and made irrelevant all that would attempt to come after. Because Christ died and rose, we have the freedom and power to live. We are redeemed, and purified through Christ. The Word of G_D will stand, when all else fades away, and by this Word we spread the gospel of the Lord.

Chapter 2 V 1-3

Put aside all foolishness; be at peace, so that the Lord may continue to use you. Humble, willing to grow and learn, as a new born. Because we have changed, and been transformed through Christ, people may see us as peculiar, but know that we are special, chosen by G_D. Others may cast us aside or push us away, but the Lord can make a masterpiece out of things others view as a mistake. No longer are we the same, but we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. No longer are we in darkness, but displaying the Light of Christ!

1 Peter 3:7

One thing that stuck out to me was honoring my wife. I must find more ways to honor my wife, so that we together may grow as one, and be all that the Lord would have us to be.


Be prepared at all times to witness the good news of faith, and testify of the goodness of the Lord. Be excited about G-D. Too many believers walk around sad and torn down, and wonder why they cannot compel others to Christ. Let us make that change!

1 Peter 4

Be of the same mind as Christ, put away sin. (Christ minded and Free) from sin. Free to live; free to walk in the will of ABBA, Father!


Verses seven through ten gave me a better understanding of what was meant when apostle YaQar said she saw that I have a heart for the people. I want to continue to be led by Holy Spirit to give freely, and bless others. Not for the sake of receiving blessings in return, but to show the love of Christ that I have been blessed to have received.

I chose to quote 1 Peter 4:11 directly from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) because it is so plain that a fool could not error.

"Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen."

We must remember that it is not about us, but all that we do, and all that we say should allow the Lord to shine through us, not for our personal glory or notification, but to the glory of the Most High!

1 Peter 5

Continue to be vigilant in all we do, praying constantly, walking in right paths that we can prevail over the tricks of the enemy. The battle is won; we must continue to stay in the fight until it is over. We have the Victory! Rejoice!

2 Peter 1

V 3-4

Through Christ we have been freed from all of the corruptions, and lusts of this world. Wanting those things that are not of G_D causes men to fall. But we must be strong in the Lord, and continue to trust in Him for all that we need, and that which He desires for us to have. He is Jehovah Jirah.


We must continue to grow in the Lord, through faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. These are the traits and characteristics that we as children of G-D should display in our everyday lives, so that those who are nonbelievers or those who are not yet as strong in the faith can see, and know that the Lord reigneth, and is great in His mercy and love.

Continue to do these things, and be free from sin, remembering that the Lord, our G_D delivered us from the sins of this world. These principles of good will and godliness should govern our thoughts and our minds as we live our lives as Holy Spirit leads. Too often people who are supposed to be believers are hatful, and nasty, or do not show restraint, but indulge in foolishness. This type of confusion leads people astray, and is not pleasing to the Lord. Their blood will be on our hands, for not showing them righteous ways of living.


Continue to be led by Holy Spirit, in all that you do, letting your light shine, drawing others to Christ.

2 Peter 2

Beware of false prophets and teachings. Not everyone who claims to love G_D, truly mean it. False teaching will occur, but we must discern, and hear Holy Spirit, so we can continue in the paths of righteousness, correct those wrongs, and avoid the paths of wickedness and death. For those who refuse to do the will of the Lord will surely die!

Thank G_D, for verse 8, for the Lord knows how to deliver the godly from temptations. Because temptations will surely come to try and get us to stray from the paths of righteousness, and get us out of the will of the Lord. For surely a fool returns to his folly, and sinners to sin, but the Lord delivereth from ALL!!!

2 Peter 3

V 1-9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promises. Just as He spoke and it was, with the creation of the heavens and earth, He is able to keep us, and do above and beyond what our minds can grasp. We need to stop looking at what we can see physically, and learn to trust G_D, more and more. Faith is not what we can see, but the assurance or knowing that though we cannot see it, the Lord is still going to come through. We must learn patience, and know that He is G_D, and if He said it, He will do it!

V 10-14

Be prepared for the coming of the Lord. For all things shall pass away, and be consumed by fire. But we in righteousness, by grace shall see a new heaven and new earth, and all its glory. Stray from foolish acts and foolish conversation, and be led by the Lord. For one day soon, He shall return. Walk blamelessly, righteously, in Spirit and in Truth, from now and until the end of the world.

To G_D be the glory!!!

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